

ThreeCore Businesses

1Miso Business

Miso Business

Miso Business


Our “Ryotei no Aji” brand boasts the No.1 sales* in the market for paste miso and instant miso soup.
We respond to diversifying needs from customers, with a broad product lineup, including our liquid miso and our granulated miso.

*Researched by Intage SRI+ (Jan. to Dec. 2022)
 Sales in the markets of miso and instant miso soup

Our product, “Ryotei no Aji” was developed to deal with a customer’s complaint.

Our product, “Ryotei no Aji” was developed to deal with a customer’s complaint.

The dashi stock-blend miso “Ryotei no Aji,” which was born in response to a customer’s feedback: “Your miso soup is not very delicious…”

The dashi stock-blend miso “Ryotei no Aji,” which was born in response to a customer’s feedback: “Your miso soup is not very delicious…”

It all started with a letter from a customer who said, "Miso soup made with Marukome miso doesn't taste good..." Upon further inquiry, we found that the customer had been making miso soup without adding dashi broth.
It was a time when the number of working couples was increasing. Many people said, "It was too much trouble to make dashi broth." In that situation, we launched “a project for developing broth-blended miso,” which led to the development of “Ryotei no Aji,” in 1981.

Successful mass production of broth-blended miso after overcoming many hardships

Simply adding bonito flakes or kelp broth to miso will cause the broth to break down due to the enzymes in the miso.
To overcome this problem, we developed the "Marukome Cooking System," which rapidly heats and cools miso.
Mass production of broth-blended miso became possible, and in 1982, our company launched "Ryotei no Aji."

“Ryotei no Aji” in the Early Days

“Ryotei no Aji” in the Early Days

Liquid Miso Series that Pioneered the Industry

“We want to be of more help to housewives who are busy with household chores.” Liquid miso was born from such a thought and has continued to evolve, taking into consideration the feelings, time, and effort of all those who make miso soup and other dishes.

Liquid miso Series

2Koji Business

Koji Business

Koji Business

Rice Koji

Rice Koji is indispensable for producing Shinshu miso.
Koji has been used for producing Japanese traditional fermented food products, such as soy sauce, mirin, and sake.

“Plus Koji” product
This product was developed with the hope of using Koji in everyday life.

This product was developed with the hope of using Koji in everyday life.

The “Plus Koji” series, which was developed under the theme of Koji that brings out the intrinsic taste of each ingredient, includes Miso, Koji Amazake, Shio-Koji (salted Koji), and Shoyu-Koji (soy sauce Koji), which can be used easily in daily life.

The product was created from the perspective of female employees.

The product was created from the perspective of female employees.

Female employees paid attention to the potential of Koji.
“Plus Koji Lab” is an in-house project that was born out of their desire to turn Koji into a product.

3Soybean Business

Soybean Business

Soybean Business


With over 160 years of experience working with soybeans as a main ingredients of miso, the creation, transformation, and expansion of products are possible.
Based on the concept of "healthy and more delicious”, we developed “Daizu Labo” series.In response to nutritional issues faced by modern people, such as fat, sugar, calories, and nutritional balance, we bring you our soy meat and soy flour, as an alternative to meat and flour, in a form easy to incorporate into your daily lives.

“Daizu Labo” series
Soybeans are high-protein, low-fat, and rich in fiber.

Soybeans are high-protein, low-fat, and rich in fiber.

Soybeans have long been indispensable ingredients in Japanese cuisine. With the hopes of utilizing our knowledge of soybeans accumulated through miso production, Marukome launched “Daizu Labo” series.

A variety of foods made from soy that are good for the body

A variety of
foods made from
soy that are good
for the body


