History of Marukome

1961March 31st

Crown Prince
(Now the Retired Emperor)
Crown Princess
(Now the Retired Empress)
Scene of Their Visit to Our Factory

March 31, 1961
On the occasion of their first official visit to the industries of Nagano Prefecture since their marriage, his Imperial Highness the Crown Prince (now the Retired Emperor) and her Imperial Highness the Crown Princess (now the Retired Empress), together with more than 20 related people, left the Saihoku-kan in Nagano City and arrived at the Marukome Plant at 10:14 a.m. while addressing the welcoming crowds that filled the roadside.
They were welcomed by the president, representatives of our business partners, and all of our employees.
Through our brief explanation on Shinshu miso and its production process, Their Imperial Highnesses understood that miso has been an essential source of nutrients for people’s lives since ancient days.
They asked many technical questions about the fermentation period of miso, the characteristics of Shinshu miso, the differences in production method between miso, soy sauce, and others.
At 10:50 a.m., everyone concerned had bid farewell and returned home in good spirits.

History of Marukome in Pictures

Making Miso in the Showa Era (1926-1989)

Transportation of Ingredients

Transportation of Ingredients

Filling of Barrels and Boxes

Filling of Barrels and Boxes

Miso Straining

Miso Straining




Miso in A Barrel (37.5 kg)


Adoption of Cardboard Boxes


The First Pillow-Shaped Product


The First Instant Miso Soup
(Powder Type)


Product Lineup in 1975


Launched the Dashi Broth-Blend Miso "Ryotei no Aji," Becoming the Pioneer for the Industry.

