
“Ryotei no Aji”
Production Line

“Ryotei no Aji” Labeling

1“Ryotei no Aji” Labeling



Inspect weight (package)

3Inspect weight (package)

Attach film

4Attach film

Best-before date printing (package)

5Best-before date printing (package)

Inspect X-Ray

6Inspect X-Ray

Image inspection

7Image inspection

Pack into boxes

8Pack into boxes

Inspect weight (case)

9Inspect weight (case)

Best-before date printing (case)

10Best-before date printing (case)



“Ryotei no Aji” Labeling

“Ryotei no Aji” Labeling



Inspect weight (package)

Inspect weight

Attach film

Attach film

Best-before date printing (package)

Best-before date printing

Inspect X-Ray

Inspect X-Ray

Image inspection

Image inspection

Pack into boxes

Pack into boxes

Inspect weight (case)

Inspect weight

Best-before date printing (case)

Best-before date printing



Production Line

1“Ryotei no Aji” Labeling

Labeling Machine

Labeling Machine

This affixes the front label with the product name and the back label with a food description to each cup.


Miso Filling Machine

Miso Filling Machine

Miso is filled into each cup and affixed with the top sealing film, then the lid is put on. Nitrogen gas is filled between the miso and the top sealing film to prevent oxidation.

3Inspect weight (package)

Weight Checker

Weight Checker

The weight of each product is check to ensure that it matches with our specs.

4Attach film

Shrink Wrapping Machine

Shrink Wrapping Machine

This machine wraps a film around the lid of each product container.

Shrink Wrapping Machine

Shrink Wrapping Machine

This machine shrinks the film with hot air, in order to keep the lid from being detached.

Image Inspection Equipment for Sealing Film and Top Sealing Film

Image Inspection Equipment for Sealing Film and Top Sealing Film

The film is inspected for misalignment while the top seal film is checked if it has been attached firmly.

5Best-before date printing (package)

Best-Before Date Printer

Best-Before Date Printer

The best-before date is printed on the side of each cup.

Image Inspection Equipment for Best-Before Date

Image Inspection Equipment for Best-Before Date

The best-before date is checked for date errors, distortion, and unclear printing.

6Inspect X-Ray

X-Ray Contamination Detector

X-Ray Contamination Detector

The detector is used to irridiate products with x-ray to check for foreign matters, such as glass or metal.

7Image inspection

Image Inspection Equipment for Products

Image Inspection Equipment for Products

The top sealing film is checked to ensure that there is no mixing of different products.

8Pack into boxes

Sorting Machine

Sorting Machine

This machine arranges products in four rows for packing.

Machine for Putting Products Into Boxes

Machine for Putting Products Into Boxes

This machine forms the cardboard box while packing products, and checking the number and the direction of the products inside each box through an imaging device.

9Inspect weight (case)

Weight Checker

Weight Checker

The weight of each product is measured to confirm that it matches with our specs.

10Best-before date printing (case)

Best-Before Date Printer

Best-Before Date Printer

The best-before date is printed onto each package.

Image Inspection Equipment for Best-Before Date

Image Inspection Equipment for Best-Before Date

The best-before date is checked to make sure that the date has been printed properly.




The elevator transports the goods to the first floor.

Pallet Stacker

Pallet Stacker

The pallet stacker puts the product boxes on the pallet.

Wrapping Machine

Wrapping Machine

The cargoes are wrapped to prevent cargo shifting during transportation.



After loading the cargoes onto the truck, it's finally time to ship them.

