

Miso Production Processes

1Ingredients for Rice Miso

Ingredients for Rice Miso

Rice miso is made from soybeans, rice, and salt.
Soybeans are delivered in 20-ton containers while rice and salt come in 1-ton bags.
Both soybeans and rice are sorted thoroughly to ensure that they are in a safe and suitable condition for miso making.

Incoming Supply of Rice

Incoming Supply of Rice

Incoming Supply of Soybeans

Incoming Supply of Soybeans

Machine for Sorting Soybeans By Color

Machine for Sorting Soybeans By Color

2Koji Making

Koji Making

After sorting, the rice is soaked in water and then steamed.
After the steamed rice is cooled, it is coated with Koji mold and placed in the Koji incubation tank (Koji Muro).
Rice Koji is made in the tank over a period of approximately two days.

Rice Steaming

Rice Steaming

Rice Cooling Machine

Rice Cooling Machine

Koji Incubation Tank (Koji Muro).

Koji Incubation Tank (Koji Muro).

3Miso Preparation

Miso Preparation

The sorted soybeans are soaked in water overnight and steamed in a pressure cooker.
The steamed soybeans are cooled down and made ready for the following process.
The soybeans, Rice Koji, and salt are measured and mixed.
At this stage, the microbes necessary for fermentation (yeast and lactic acid bacteria) are also added.

Soaking Soybeans in Water

Soaking Soybeans in Water

Soybean Cooling Machine

Soybean Cooling Machine



For a smooth fermentation process, the mixture is coarsely crushed with a chopper and put in the fermentation tank.



Large Fermentation Tank

Large Fermentation Tank



About half a month into the fermentation process, the miso is transferred into a new tank to ensure that the bottom part is exposed to air, the contents are mixed evenly, and the microbes are activated and working as planned.
After several months of aging, the miso is taken out from the fermentation facility.




Some of the miso taken fresh from the fermentation facility are packed into containers as is, while others are first processed with dashi soup stock and then packed into containers.




The finished products are loaded onto trucks and shipped out.
They are sold at supermarkets and other stores in towns. People can enjoy them as miso soup or arrange it in various other dishes.


Let’s try some miso!

Let’s try some miso!

